PinnedJulia Paevska: The Full Story, or Why Russia-Ukraine War is Russians Shared ResponsibilityOnly 26% of US citizens and official residents think America should play a significant role in the Russia-Ukraine war. Yet, many members of…Apr 1, 2022Apr 1, 2022
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Роль населення у розпаді РФ: чому «ничего не можем сделать»?Населення РФ, на жаль, аморфне в абсолютній більшості та потребує поводиря. Чому? Більше про причини розпаду імперії, що наближається…Sep 27, 20231Sep 27, 20231
Roughly 80% of New E-commerce Platforms are Nearly Useless: How To Fix That?New E-commerce markets attract less revenue than innovative, hybrid, and projects created just for Lulz. How come, and what to do?Jun 15, 20231Jun 15, 20231
What Is the Best Temperature to Sleep Like a Baby?Human body temperature is an accurate indicator that shows the exact amount of heat of the body or environment. The best temperature to…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
A Few Interesting Remarks On Design, UX, and Business in GeneralWhy is UX Design so Important When Building Apps?Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020