Зранку пригадався Й.О. БродськийПовз торгові центри, повз гомінливі бари, повз залюднені площі, повз дзиґочі вокзали, повз кладовищ плеяди, Єрусалим, Рим минають, опалені…Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
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Julia Paevska: The Full Story, or Why Russia-Ukraine War is Russians Shared ResponsibilityOnly 26% of US citizens and official residents think America should play a significant role in the Russia-Ukraine war. Yet, many members of…Apr 1, 2022Apr 1, 2022
What Is the Best Temperature to Sleep Like a Baby?Human body temperature is an accurate indicator that shows the exact amount of heat of the body or environment. The best temperature to…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
A Few Interesting Remarks On Design, UX, and Business in GeneralWhy is UX Design so Important When Building Apps?Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020